Expanding The Blue Economy Potential
China Marine Economy Expo (referred to as "CMEE") is the only national marine economic exhibition in China. After moving to Shenzhen in 2019, it has been successfully held for three times, which has made positive contributions to promoting the high-quality development of China's marine economy and promoting international marine economic exchanges and cooperation. The 2023 CMEE will be held in Shenzhen, China, from November 23 to 25, 2023, with a higher starting point, higher quality, and more international standards.
As the strategic forum of the CMEE, the Shenzhen Global Marine Economy Forum (referred to the "Forum") will be held from 23 to 24 November 2023 at the Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel in Shenzhen, China. With the theme of global marine center city construction, the Forum will invite experts and representatives from international organization, domestic and foreign government department, commercial and technological sectors, as well as academia to be the speakers, and set ten topics around the evaluation indicators of global marine center city, such as marine technology, marine industry, shipping and transportation, marine civilization, as well as marine cooperation and governance. The discussions aim to provide experience and suggestions for promoting exchanges and cooperation among global marine cities, accelerate the development of blue partnership, promote the high-quality development of the marine economy, and contribute to building a more internationally competitive, attractive and creative global marine center city.
Time: 23-24th, November 2023
Venue: Ballroom, 6th Floor, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel
Address: 6th Floor, Great China International Exchange Square, Fuhua Road, Futian District Shenzhen, Guangdong
主办单位Hosted by:
中国海洋发展基金会 China Oceanic Development Foundation
深圳全球海洋中心城市建设促进会 Global Ocean Capital Promotion Council of Shenzhen
深圳市特区建设发展集团有限公司 Shenzhen SEZ Construction and Development Group Co.,Ltd.
承办单位Organized By:
深圳海博会有限公司 Shenzhen CMEE Co., Ltd
星期四 2023年11月23日 | |
13:00开始 | 来宾签到 Registration of participants |
13:30-14:30 | 论坛开幕式 领导致辞 |
14:30-15:40 全体会议1 Session 1 | 中国2030海洋经济前景展望 本场会议将聚焦中国海洋经济发展前景,并对推动海洋经济加速增长的影响因素进行探讨。与会嘉宾将通过横向对比全球不同国家和地区海洋经济的发展趋势,预测和展望中国海洋经济在2030年的前景,并围绕海洋可再生能源、航运、渔业和蓝色食品等多个重要领域开展交流探讨。 √未来几年有哪些因素会对海洋经济产生巨大影响? √科技将如何推动蓝色产业获得更好更快的发展? √对于中国的海洋经济而言,哪些领域将有更大的发展潜力? √未来,蓝色产业将在中国经济当中扮演怎样的重要角色? 开场主题演讲 Opening Keynote Speech 白思娜,挪威王国驻中国和蒙古大使 发言嘉宾 Speakers 潘新春,中国海洋发展基金会副理事长兼秘书长 主持人 Moderator 郭建,挪威国家能源商会中国区总裁 |
15:50-16:00 | 发布《2023中国海洋经济发展指数》 发布人 Released By: |
16:00-17:10 全体会议2 Session 2 | 深圳,正在建设中的全球海洋中心城市 全球海洋中心城市的定位以及与之相关的关键领域的发展,将为深圳挖掘新的发展潜力,带来新的发展动能。深圳拥有全球第四大港口和众多航运公司、涉海公司,它也是全球顶尖的高科技中心,拥有充满活力的高科技创业生态系统,同时,深圳也正在构建世界领先的涉海学术机构集群体系。 √下一步应采取哪些措施以促进关键领域发展,全面推进深圳全球海洋中心城市建设? √深圳应如何重构国际叙事、创新国际传播,以打造更具全球影响力的海洋中心城市? √应建立怎样的国际网络,发挥协同效应,以扩大深圳作为全球海洋中心城市的国际共识? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 陈伟杰,教授级高级经济师,中国海洋石油集团公司计划规划部原总经理,深圳全球海洋中心城市建设促进会高级顾问 主持人 Moderator 王丰,FT英国金融时报中文网总编辑 |
17:20-18:30 全体会议3 Session 3 | 全球能源转型的海洋力量 海洋是一个巨大的可再生能源宝库,海洋能主要包括海上风能、潮汐能、波浪能、热能和太阳能等。目前,各国政府、企事业单位均致力于实现全球脱碳目标,海洋能源的开发利用也随之加速进行。当前,受技术、经济、环境等多方面因素制约,绝大多数的海洋能源仍有待开发,而有效和可持续开发海洋能源的关键是全球合作和海洋科学数据的共享。 √中国已成为全球海上风电装机容量增速最快的国家。海上风电在中国是否还有进一步发展空间,从而推动能源结构加速转变? √中国潮流能总装机规模已位居全球第二,目前正在加速推进潮流能和波浪能开发项目。到2030年,这种可再生能源在中国的发展前景如何? √如何从政策支持、资金投入、降低成本等多个维度推动海洋能的开发和利用? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 彭伟,国家海洋技术中心主任 主持人 Moderator 郭建,挪威国家能源商会中国区总裁 |
星期五 2023年11月24日 | |
08:15开始 | 来宾签到 Registration of Participants |
08:45-09:55 全体会议4 Session 4 | 朝着绿色航运转型 国际海事组织(IMO)制定的最新规则指出,以2008年碳排放为基准,到2030年,航运业每一运输单位的碳排放强度将降低40%,到2050年将降低70%。这意味着航运业和物流业需要大幅减少对环境的不利影响,并加速推进绿色航运。与此同时,航运业正在积极推进新型替代燃料、可再生能源的研发与利用,其中,新型替代燃料以甲醇、绿氨、氢燃料为主,可再生能源则包括太阳能、风能和核能等。航运业的绿色转型为整个行业带来了挑战和机遇。 √中国航运业和物流业在替代燃料的开发和使用方面处于什么阶段?中国船级社和中国船舶工业企业于2022年11月发起“可持续航运创新与发展倡议”(SSIDI),其进展如何? √从2024年开始,航运业将被纳入欧盟碳排放交易体系,这一举动是否有助于加速航运和物流行业的脱碳进程?上海碳排放权交易试点实践有哪些经验借鉴? √金融业如何助力绿色航运和物流业转型? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 李彦庆,国际标准化组织船舶与海洋技术委员会(ISO/TC8)主席、活跃造船专家联盟(ASEF)副理事长、中国船舶工业行业协会(CANSI)秘书长 主持人 Moderator 韩宁,国际航运研究及咨询机构Drewry中国区董事 |
10:05-11:05 全体会议5 Session 5 | 创新打造可持续的海洋经济 先进材料、生物技术、水下机器人、自动港口和数据分析等革命性技术正在彻底改变海洋经济。与此同时,科学家、企业家、公司和政府都在积极寻求改进海洋经济各领域的新方案,以实现海洋经济可持续发展。这些新技术的研发和应用将创造一个价值数万亿美元的市场,创新将会使人们在这一机遇中获益。 √企业如何在其日常运营和企业文化中融入可持续海洋生态系统理念? √企业应采取哪些措施鼓励消费者购买可持续海产品和服务? √ 政府和涉海企业应建立怎样的合作伙伴关系,从而在经济增长、造福于民的同时,实现可持续发展? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 戴民汉,海洋化学家、中国科学院院士、厦门大学讲席教授 主持人 Moderator 麻震敏,《哈佛商业评论》中文版新媒体主编,新增长学院发起人 |
11:15-12:25 全体会议6 Session 6 | 发展蓝色食品产业 蓝色食品是中国和其他海洋国家粮食安全的有力保障。蓝色食品的生产有赖于海水养殖、海洋牧场、渔业种业、植物育种以及深海养殖等行业的发展,随着粮食安全日益受到关注,这些行业将迎来前所未有的发展机遇。 √哪些政策可以有效缓解蓝色食品行业发展面临的融资难问题? √如何利用新技术推动蓝色食品行业可持续发展? √建立更加多元化和更具弹性的食物供给体系是保障粮食安全的战略举措,如何增强蓝色食品行业在其中的作用? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 易卜雷,冰岛驻华大使,同时兼任冰岛驻蒙古、泰国、越南大使 主持人 Moderator 邱嘉秋,资深媒体人,真实影像创始人、中欧可持续发展传播中心中方发起人 |
12:25-13:25 | 午餐 |
13:25-14:25 全体会议7 Session 7 | 变革浪潮之下的海洋创新企业 在海洋经济领域,具备创新意识和创业精神的企业,不仅推动了新技术的研发和新业务的开展,更为海洋环境的恢复、海洋的可持续发展以及应对气候变化做出了贡献。 √哪些政策和行动有助于打造一个高效且充满活力的海洋创业生态系统? √如何在创新企业和成熟的大公司之间建立高效、协同的创新合作伙伴关系? √专注于海洋科学研究的学术机构在孵化海洋科技初创企业方面发挥什么作用? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 邱伯华,震兑工业智能科技有限公司董事长、总经理 主持人 Moderator 克劳德·萨马加,瑞士萨马加战略咨询公司董事长、深圳全球海洋中心城市建设促进会高级顾问 |
14:35-15:45 全体会议8 Session 8 | 蓝色金融,海洋经济发展的强引擎 发展蓝色金融对于促进经济增长和环境保护具有重要意义,中国拥有广阔的海岸线和丰富的海洋资源,这也使其成为蓝色金融项目的主要市场。在2022年联合国海洋大会特别活动“可持续蓝色投资论坛”上,来自公共部门、私营企业和慈善组织等不同领域的领导者均做出承诺,即:投资数十亿美元用于支持海洋环保项目、清洁水资源保护。此外,金融行业也在积极推动蓝色金融产品和服务创新,例如:中国银行发行了亚洲首支蓝色债券、亚洲开发银行则推出了全球首个蓝色债券孵化器等,这些金融产品将为亚太地区的海洋项目提供极大支持。然而,可持续海洋项目仍面临巨大的资金缺口。 √如何克服金融风险上升、知识和数据基础薄弱等障碍,从而推动对可持续海洋经济的投资? √政府和企业需要采取哪些措施以加大对蓝色经济的投资? √如何引进外资以促进中国海洋经济发展? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 戴鑫,瑞士再保险中国区首席经济学家 主持人 Moderator 吴晨,《经济学人·全球商业评论》主编 |
15:55-17:05 全体会议9 Session 9 | 全球海洋治理的未来走向 近几年,全球海洋治理取得了一些重要进展,包括:联合国启动了全球首个旨在终结塑料污染的国际公约谈判,世贸组织通过了《渔业补贴协定》及其议定书,以及联合国《公海条约》的达成。《渔业补贴协定》的通过是推动海洋可持续发展的重要标志,而《公海条约》则关注保护和可持续利用国家管辖范围之外的海洋生物多样性。对于中国而言,仍需要深入讨论和思考如何更好地参与全球海洋治理体系的建设,并在全球海洋治理领域发挥引领作用。 √2022年下半年以来,我们宣布的各项全球海洋治理措施和倡议进展如何? √就扩大全球海洋治理框架的下一步行动而言,中国现在应该优先推动哪些事项? √共商全球经济发展与沟通交流举措,以建立信任与合作 发言嘉宾 Speakers 苏纪兰,物理海洋学家,中国科学院院士、第三世界科学院院士、俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士 主持人 Moderator 吴晨,《经济学人·全球商业评论》主编 |
17:15-18:25 全体会议10 Session 10 | 蓝碳,气候变化背景下生态文明建设的助推器 蓝碳,尤其是深蓝碳,因其具备二氧化碳吸收能力,被认为是人类应对气候变化、环境污染和生物多样性减少三大重要挑战的主要工具。沿海湿地、红树林、海草、海藻和潮汐沼泽等生态系统具有强大的固碳能力,然而迄今为止,这些蓝碳生态系统的固碳能力尚未得到有效利用。 √如何促进企业与政府间合作,使蓝碳开发成为一个新的商机,从而推动对该领域的投资? √蓝碳信贷市场建设是否是加快蓝碳和深蓝碳发展的有效途径? 发言嘉宾 Speakers 大卫·M·贝克,中国香港大学生物科学学院、地球科学系及太古海洋科学研究所助理教授,知识交流办公室副主任 主持人 Moderator 克劳德·萨马加,瑞士萨马加战略咨询公司董事长、深圳全球海洋中心城市建设促进会高级顾问 |
18:25-18:30 | 总结会议 |
Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou
Opening Ceremony
Mr. Efstathios Andreou is the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, China. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Netherlands in 2002, and afterwards he took up various roles in the Ministry in The Hague, such as senior policy advisor on Russia and economic policy coordinator on China. At the Netherlands Embassies he was among others the deputy ambassador in Albania, the deputy ambassador in Hungary and hold positions in Greece and Kazakhstan. Also he was an OSCE-ODHIR election observer in Ukraine and Belarus. He was appointed as the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou in August 2023.
Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Department of Earth Science, & Swire Institute of Marine Science, Associate Director, Knowledge Exchange Office, University of Hong Kong
Blue Carbon: Fighting Climate Change and Leveraging Business Opportunities
大卫·M·贝克的学术生涯跨越多个领域,覆盖包括环境(海洋污染、化学海洋学)、有机体/细胞(生态生理学、共生)等,发表了78篇同行评审论文。他不仅在大学内有所贡献,还是Proc. B和Limnology & Oceanography等学会支持期刊的副主编,并被提名为世界自然基金会中国香港保护委员会成员。他曾为多个本地和国际政府机构提供咨询服务,管理并执行价值超过150万美元的珊瑚礁恢复项目。自2015年以来,大卫·M·贝克一直担任海洋地理学中国香港项目总监,该项目已筹集超过120万美元的政府资金,致力于推动本地生物多样性保护。除了在生物多样性评估领域组建多元化团队外,贝克博士还是中国香港大学稳定同位素质谱实验室的主任,这是亚洲唯一的开放式实验室,也是一家研究蓝碳的关键机构。
David M. Baker is a co-founder and Chief Scientist at Archireef. With over 20 years of global experience in coral reef ecology - Dr. Baker brings to the team a deep understanding of coral biology and reef ecology, which underpins our science-based approaches. Following his Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the prestigious Carnegie and Smithsonian Institutions. He has since been an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong (ranked 22 in the world by QS) in the School of Biological Sciences and Swire Institute of Marine Science. His academic career has seen impact across disciplines - from environment (marine pollution, chemical oceanography) to organism/cell (eco- physiology, symbiosis) - with 78 peer-reviewed publications (h - index = 27). Dr. Baker’s service extends beyond the university. He is associate editor at society-backed journals; Proc. B and Limnology & Oceanography and is a nominated member of the WWF-Hong Kong Conservation Committee. He has been a consultant to various local and international government agencies, and has executed and managed projects in coral reef restoration exceeding US$1.5M. Since 2015 he has been the Director of the MarineGEO-Hong Kong project - which has raised more than US$1.2M in government funding to establish a new baseline for local biodiversity, and how that relates to ecosystem functioning and services. In addition to building a diverse team in biodiversity assessments, Dr. Baker is the Director of the Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at HKU - the only open-access facility of it’s kind in all of Asia - and a key tool for blue carbon research.
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to People’s Republic of China
Opening Ceremony
Ms. Signe Brudeset is Ambassador of Norway to China and Mongolia and has previously been Ambassador of Norway to Japan. Ms. Brudeset has served in several senior positions within the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Director in the Section for Middle East and North Africa and Special Envoy for Syria and Iraq. Ms. Brudeset has also been Deputy Director in the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General. Ms. Brudeset holds a MSc degree in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), with additional studies in international business and marketing from University of Barcelona. She has studied Chinese language at universities in Oslo and Taipei.
Sustainability Advisor, Swire Shipping Limited; General Manager, Sustainable Development, China Navigation Company
Fast forward to green shipping and logistics
Simon Bennett started his career at sea in 1974 at age 17 as a Navigating Officer Cadet with the Union Castle Line/Clan Line. After a 3-year sabbatical from 1978 to 1981 to take an honours degree at UEA in Norwich, UK, where he read Environmental Science (majoring in Meteorology and Oceanography and minoring in Marine and Coastal Management/Environmental Hazards) he resumed his seagoing career. In mid-1984 he joined Swire Pacific Offshore. Following several voyages as Master, he came ashore in 1991, working as HSE and Country Manager in Brunei and Qatar, and Marketing Manager in Dubai, before he moved to his last but one job as General Director operating three of SPO’s new icebreaking Platform Supply Vessels in the Russian Far East.
Since returning to Singapore in 2008, he wore the hat of GM for Sustainable Development for Swire Pacific Offshore, Swire Shipping Pte Ltd., the Swire group’s privately owned deep-sea company, and for Swire Bulk Pte Ltd. He retired on 31 Oct 2022 after 38.43 years with the Swire group shipping companies, and is heading back to Europe to live, eventually in Valencia, Spain. Simon is on the Board of Trustees of the Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI), for which Swire Shipping Pte Ltd was both the founder member in Asia, a member of the founding steering group of the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative (SRTI) He was a Director of both the Singapore Environment Council and the FreeCommunity Church, Singapore for the four years up to the end of Jun 2020 and remains a Director of the World Ocean Council
Swire is a highly diversified global group which has been in operation for over 200 years. Many of our core businesses can be found within the Asia Pacific region, where traditionally Swire's operations have centred on the HKSAR and the Chinese Mainland. Within Asia, Swire's activities come under the group's publicly quoted arm, Swire Pacific Limited. Elsewhere in the world, the parent company, John Swire & Sons Limited, holds controlling stakes in a range of businesses trading in the UK, USA, Europe and Papua New Guinea, as well as in the Group’s deep sea shipping businesses which are headquartered in Singapore.
Director for strategy and planning, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation
Blue Carbon: Fighting Climate Change and Leveraging Business Opportunities
CHAI Qimin, professor and director for strategy and planning in National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), deputy director of Research Center for Green Finance and Sustainable Development in University of International Business and Economics, guesting professor of Research Center for Contemporary Management in Tsinghua University and Guizhou Institute of Technology, vice chairman and secretary general of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Committee in Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, deputy secretary general of Energy System Engineering Committee in Chinese Energy Research Society, senior fellow of Global Climate Strategy Committee and China Carbon Neutral 50 Forum, and visiting scholar of Stanford University.
His professional activities and publications focus on global climate governance, new energy policy, green finance and investment, sustainable infrastructure, climate change economics and integrated assessment. He currently serves as the delegate of Chinese Delegation to UN Climate Negotiations, the advisor for government and market on green development, and he was deeply involved in drafting the Mid-century Long-term Greenhouse Gas Low Emission Development Strategy (Carbon Neutrality 2060), National Carbon Emission Peak Action Plan, Nationally Determined Contribution, 14th Five-year Planning, Green Belt and Road Initiative, energy and green finance policy. He was engaged as the leader or chief scientist of over 60 national and provincial research projects, and have won the Excellent Research Achievement Awards of National Development and Reform Commission, National Energy Administration, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, etc.
The National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the National Climate Strategy Center) is a department-level agency under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. It serves as China's national strategic research institution for climate change and acts as the focal point for international cooperation and communication. The Center's responsibilities encompass organizing research on climate change policies, regulations, strategies, and plans. It provides technical support for domestic compliance, statistical accounting, assessment, carbon emissions trading management, international negotiations, and external cooperation and communication. In addition, the Center engages in think-tank dialogues, promotional activities, capacity building, and consulting services related to climate change. It also manages Clean Development Mechanism projects and undertakes other tasks assigned by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
Vice President,Public Affairs Asia TOMRA Group, National Vice Chair of the Environmental Working Group of European Chamber of Commerce in the China(EUCCC)
What a Sustainable Ocean Economy Means for Businesses
Jet Chang joined TOMRA in Oct 2017 and is responsible for circular economy business development in China. Before that, he worked 15 years experience in the environment industry. Since 2018, he has also been the national chair/vice chair of the environment working group of the EUCCC. Jet holds two master’s degrees from the Northwestern Polytechnic University and Nanyang Technological University, respectively.
TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions in food, recycling and mining industries.
Altogether TOMRA has presented in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of about 9.9 billion NOK in 2020. The TOMRA Group employs roughly 4,300 people globally, and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE: TOM).